Sunday, November 25, 2007

Another trip is coming..

Yee, I am happy that I got my UK visa two weeks ago and got the confirmation to join a conference in London last week. I plan to join that conference for a long time, initially to join a workshop with the same provider last September but since I could not get the visa on time (it takes ca. 10 days to process it) I could not make it. This time it was such an experience to apply the visa and to register for the conference (long story..), so I am quite happy so far...

The conference will be from 4th to 6th of Dec and I plan to take a day off on Friday to fly to...Scotland :-P I will meet Vivi who has recently moved to Dundee... Scotland is one of my wish list destination, so I am really excited for this trip, though it will be only for two days. I have to go back to London on Sunday. So many places to visit so little time, always the same story. Another problem is...I just got another news that a new boss of mine who is based in Austin, Texas will visit us in Dusseldorf at the same time when I will be away... There is a new reorganization in our group so it is quite important to meet her.. so...let's see...I hope at least, we can meet on Monday the 3rd of Dec before I leave...I keep my fingers crossed...I do not want to ruin my plan :-(

Yesterday I went to Eindhoven to buy several things for my going home trip, I just spent around two hours there and went back to Dusseldorf in a rush. I planned to visit the Weihnachtsmarkt in Dusseldorf, but when I reached Hauptbahnhof I decided to go back home instead..especially because I still could buy Reibekuechen in a stall in front of Hauptbahnhof :-P
I think I will do it this week on working days.

I went to Duisburg last weekend. There was a special consular service from Indonesian Consulate in Frankfurt. I was so glad that I knew about the service on time, so I do not have to go to Frankfurt or Berlin to register myself in Indonesian Embassy..huuuih. I did not waste my chance to walk around Duisburg. Surprisingly it has a beautiful Rathaus :-P I met some of my VT friends here before, but it was in the evening and we only walked around the cafes in Innenhafen area. It was a quite nice area.

Uuugh I am so looking forward to having my trip to London and Edinburgh...:-)

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