Things have been pretty settled down now. I got my contract phone and just started my German course (twice a week). So far everything seems okay to me. I am still enjoying Duesseldorf.
I have no special plan this weekend, intentionally I want to make it a relaxing weekend (except for cleaning my apt and doing my laundry :-P). I had 'busy' weekends recently, at least the last two weekends.
Two weeks ago, I went to Aachen to have lunch with Runi at our fave Japanese restaurant there. After that, I stayed overnight at her place in Sittard, helping her packing her stuffs (well, actually that's also because I joined her to send some of my stuffs to Indonesia also) since it was the last weekend for her before she went back to Indonesia for good. The next day, she joined me to Duesseldorf to eat sushi in Kikaku hehehe.... yeah we both loved two things (madly), traveling and Japanese foods :-P
The next weekend, I went to Heidelberg. I really want to go there for sometime and I knew that weekend, there's going to be a firework in Heidelberg, it's called 'castle illumination'. So everything's been planned well, took the ICE train with 50% discount and booked the hotel. And Heidelberg was nice, I like the city. I walked around the old town and visited the castle. Oh and the funiculair was also cool, I rode until Koenigstuhl which is the highest station. Then I checked in to the hotel, had some rest for a while (I took the train at 7am from Duesseldorf) and went to the old town again to have dinner and see the firework. It was a great evening and I walked around 17500 steps that day (uhm yes...I count my steps using pedometer), my best record so far.